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Welcome to the Charlie Company 1st Bn. 12th Cav Reg 1st Cav Div Vietnam Class of 65-72..The site is easy to navigate and will be a great tool for us to keep in touch and it is secure... All info and pictures will not be seen by outside eyes... Only those who are logged in can see the info on profiles... So you won't have to worry about getting Emails from spammers..

Ron Sauers 2333 Eastwood Ave, Streator, IL 61364
From Horses to Huey's, the story of the First Cav Divsion in Vietnam
I made this coin for a Brother cav Vet, Love ya man, keep your head down and your powder dry...


Message from "Doc" Hirst on the passing of another cav Vet from 69-70. Our condolenses to the family and friends. Rest in peace my brother, will see you again one day.

Keith Forry Obituary

Published by Legacy Remembers from Oct. 23 to Oct. 27, 2023.

St Louis - Keith A. Forry, born in Columbia, Pa. November 26,1949, died at his residence in St Louis, Missouri on October 9,2023.

He was the son of the late Paul E. Forry and Ruth ( Young) Forry of Wrightsville, Pa.

Keith is survived by a son Tanner P. Forry of St Louis, MO. and a sister Sydney Lehman of Wrightsville, PA. He was preceded in death by a brother Paul Forry, Jr.

Keith was a 1967 graduate of Eastern York High School, Wrightsville, Pa.

He served his country in the United States Army, is a Vietnam Veteran, with Company C, 12th Calvary Division. He was awarded the following medals, The Combat Infantry Badge, Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and the US Army Commendation Medal.

Keith worked most of his life in the craft of carpentry. The culmination of his career working on the restoration of James Madison's home at Montpelier Virginia.




Artist unknown for both pics below...


"Went a Boy, Came back a Man"

"You can take the boy out of the Jungle, but ya can't take the Jungle out of the man"

Thought for the day... "Never get into a foxhole with someone braver than you, they tend to draw Fire..."





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•   Michael L. Miller (1968)  2/26
•   Kenneth Hull (1970)  12/31
•   Clair Bruce Mohler (1968)  8/16
•   Ronald F. Samuels (1965)  8/3
•   Dezso Frank Gergely (1965)  7/6
•   Terry Foote (1966)  3/9
•   Lewis Walsh (1971)  3/4
•   Steve (Doc) Willey (1970)  2/20
•   Doug Warden (1967)  8/8
•   Lester E (Gene) Langley (1970)  2/18
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7 live in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
4 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
27 live in California
7 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
23 live in Florida
13 live in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
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1 lives in Mississippi
8 live in Missouri
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3 live in New Hampshire
12 live in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
10 live in New York
14 live in North Carolina
7 live in Ohio
5 live in Oklahoma
3 live in Oregon
11 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Puerto Rico
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
2 live in Tennessee
20 live in Texas
7 live in Virginia
7 live in Washington
2 live in West Virginia
11 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
17 location unknown



Percentage of Joined Soldiers: 58.6%
A:   170   Joined
B:   120   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)